CONTACT: Marisa Melton, (208) 743 - 1388,

WASHINGTON D.C. - Congressman Fulcher released the following statement on President Biden's State of the Union address:

“The State of the Union that President Biden just described is not an accurate reality.

The truth is, President Biden and his anti-American policies are responsible for our border crisis, not Congress. Almost a year ago, the House passed H.R. 2, the strongest border security bill this country has ever seen. In response, President Biden ignored it, along with the carnage, human strife, and homeland security risks that come with an open border.

It is President Biden’s policies that have made young women like Laken Riley fearful of leaving their houses because of criminals wandering our streets. Crime is increasing at unprecedented rates and enough fentanyl to kill the entire human population has been trafficked into our country. 

How does the President respond? He refuses to enforce immigration law, while simultaneously attacking the 2nd amendment rights of legal citizens. Our nation has never been more unsafe.

Contrary to what the President said, the American people are not living “the greatest comeback story ever told”. The truth is, due to the out-of-control government tax and budget demands, consumer confidence is plummeting, overall prices are up almost 18% and Americans are paying roughly $11,400 more annually to buy basic necessities.

America has $34 trillion in national debt. We should cut the federal budget (starting by going back to “pre-COVID” spending levels) and prioritize securing our own borders before sending more money to other countries to secure theirs.

Since President Biden came into office, gasoline is up 33%, electricity and natural gas are both up 29%. And by refusing to tap into our own natural resources, American jobs have gone overseas, forcing dependence on hostile foreign adversaries.

Among other topics the President misrepresented was the Oct 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. This was the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. House Republicans have stood with the Israeli people and supported Israel’s right to defend itself since the beginning. Joe Biden cannot say the same.

Here’s the bottom line: The State of our Union is in danger… and Joe Biden’s policies are the root cause."