Alexah Rogge 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the House Freedom Caucus sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi stating their opposition to a continuing resolution, or any other government funding legislation, that federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates remain in place. 

“Any government spending bill that continues funding the unconstitutional vaccine mandate is intolerable,” said Congressman Andy Biggs “As members of Congress we have the power of  the purse – it’s time we start to use it to protect the livelihoods of the American people.”

The letter comes just a few weeks before the December 3rd expiration of the current continuing resolution funding government.

“No Member of Congress exercising their authority to control the “power of the purse” under Article I of the Constitution of the United States should vote to fund an Executive Branch that is requiring unconstitutional vaccine mandates on American citizens in the private sector, or foolishly and wrongheadedly mandating the COVID-19 vaccination of government personnel,” the letter explains.

See text of full letter below. 

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

President Biden and administration officials on his behalf have issued multiple executive orders and directives mandating COVID-19 vaccinations under threat of retribution that will cause the loss of livelihoods and endanger Americans.  No Member of Congress exercising their authority to control the “power of the purse” under Article I of the Constitution of the United States should vote to fund an Executive Branch that is requiring unconstitutional vaccine mandates on American citizens in the private sector, or foolishly and wrongheadedly mandating the COVID-19 vaccination of government personnel.

Federal vaccine mandates will only further divide America and harm our national security.  For example, thousands of men and women in uniform are thus far choosing not to meet the recent COVID-19 vaccination requirements imposed by DoD.  It is absurd to threaten to discharge – honorably or dishonorably – anyone in our military for making that choice.  In addition, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) could lose hundreds, or even thousands, of its border patrol agents due to federal vaccination requirements while our southern border is in crisis.  The same is true for countless law enforcement and other personnel, as well as defense and other federal contractors across multiple agencies and industries.

Moreover, at a time when our nation’s supply chains are at a breaking point, and our nation is suffering a labor shortage, reports have indicated that 72% of unvaccinated workers vow to quit if ordered to get vaccinated – a number that includes truckers, firefighters, police officers, and healthcare workers.  Indeed, our health care systems are going to be greatly impacted.  Hospitals are already short staffed. Nursing homes may be forced to close due to a lack of sufficient staff.  Where do patients go when they can no longer use the facilities that have long served them and are the only ones available in their community?

Congress must oppose these COVID-19 mandates – OSHA, federal employees (including DoD), federal contractors, CMS, and others. Please be advised (in advance of the December 3rd expiration of the current continuing resolution funding government) that – in addition to any other objections to government funding we reserve the right to make – we will not vote for a continuing resolution, or any other government funding legislation, while any federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates remain in place.


Members of the House Freedom Caucus 
