Alexah Rogge 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Fulcher joined Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) and 38 other Members of Congress to cosponsor H.J.Res.3, a bill that would add a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. This is the third bill in Congressman Fulcher’s package to promote accountability and prevent waste in Washington, D.C.

The Biden Administration’s spending proposals and actions have added urgency to the necessity of a balanced budget amendment. If Democrats' infrastructure plans pass, Congress will have spent up to $6 trillion this year on spending packages, which is 150% more than the normal $4 trillion budget (also included in the total). Already, without considering any other spending plans from the Biden Administration, our spending has more-than-doubled to $10 trillion this year. This is half of the U.S. GDP.

The joint resolution addresses the budget by adding a constitutional amendment that directs the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress annually, and requires a three-fifths vote on any federal spending beyond debt repayment. This legislation also includes fixed spending waivers for use during wartime or imminent danger to national security. 

“The level of government expansion and spending in the few months since President Biden assumed office has now reached a scale never before seen in our American history. The Biden Administration has proved the dire necessity of spending constraints, and having a system in place to prevent boundless spending,” said Congressman Fulcher. “Each year in Idaho we are required to balance the budget and act as responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars-- it is past due for our federal government to do the same.”

A full text of the resolution can be viewed here.

