March 1, 2025 - Request Nomination Application
Students who reside in the First Congressional District of Idaho and meet the eligibility criteria may begin submitting application materials to request a Congressional Nomination for a Service Academy.

November 1, 2025 - Nomination Application Deadline
ALL applications and required materials MUST be postmarked by November 1, 2025. No exceptions will be allowed.

Please mail or deliver to:
U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher
Attn: Terri Seymour
1250 West Ironwood Drive, Suite 200
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

Applicants are responsible for making sure their files with my office are complete. If you do not submit the required information by the postmarked deadline, your application may not be given consideration.

November – December 2025: Review of Completed Applications by Service Academy Board
The Academy Service Board has the option of interviewing all applicants who qualify for a nomination. The board will look closely at all aspects of those individuals who are being considered.

Mid-December 2025 - Announcement of Nominees
The nominations will be made, and all nominees will be notified.

Beginning February 2026 - Offers of Appointment from Academies
Nomination by U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher does not automatically result in selection by the Military Service Academies. Selection for appointment to each Academy is ultimately decided upon by the academies.