Orion Donovan Smith / The Spokesman-Review

After Palestinian militants launched the most significant assault on Israel in half a century on Saturday, killing hundreds and prompting deadly airstrikes in response, Northwest lawmakers universally condemned the attack and pledged their support to Israel.

Hamas – a militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, a small Palestinian territory wedged between Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea – fired thousands of rockets into Israel early on the Sabbath, as Israelis marked the end of the Jewish festival of Sukkot. The attack mirrored the Yom Kippur War of 1973, which began 50 years and one day earlier, when forces from neighboring Egypt and Syria launched a surprise invasion of Israel.


“Israel is a long standing ally of the U.S.,” Rep. Russ Fulcher, a Republican who represents North Idaho, wrote on X. “As the only democratic country in the Middle East, I fully support Israel’s response to the acts of terrorism by Hamas. To be clear, Hamas does not seek peace with its neighbor but rather genocidal eradication of Israel.”

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