By Orion Donovan Smith | The Spokesman-Review

Israel’s president marked his nation’s 75th anniversary with an address to Congress on Wednesday, drawing a warm response from Northwest lawmakers in both parties that illustrated the close bond between the two nations despite political rifts within each country.

President Isaac Herzog emphasized the deep ties through his own family’s history. He recalled how his grandfather, Israel’s chief rabbi, visited the White House in 1949 to thank then-President Harry Truman for making the United States the first country to recognize the Jewish state’s founding the previous year. In 1987, Herzog’s father, Chaim Herzog, became the first Israeli president to address Congress.


Rep. Russ Fulcher, a Republican who represents North Idaho, was diplomatic when asked about Jayapal’s remarks on Tuesday.

“We don’t all see it that way,” Fulcher said. “We, myself included, feel like that relationship with Israel is really important and we want them to know they’re supported.”

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