
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last week, Congressman Fulcher supported the passage of H.R. 824, “Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act of 2023”, in the Committee on Energy & Commerce. H.R. 824 will allow employers to offer telehealth benefits for all employees as a standalone option or as a supplement to their employer group health plan. 

“With the expansion of broadband in rural areas, especially during the onset of COVID, it only makes sense for Congress to continue providing access to telehealth flexibility for individuals and families experiencing a transition in their healthcare plan or life,” Fulcher said.

Background: The “Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act” will expand access to telehealth services by classifying these services as an expected benefit for employer-sponsored health coverage. Under the bill, employers may offer stand-alone telehealth benefits to all employees. This includes employees who are eligible for enrollment in their employer's group health plan. H.R. 824 was introduced by Congressman Tim Walberg of Michigan earlier this year and passed the Committee on Energy & Commerce during a markup session on July 19th, 2023.
