Daniel Tellez 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Russ Fulcher (ID-01) has been appointed to serve on the House Committee on Natural Resources. Rep. Fulcher has served on the Committee since his first term in 2019.

“It is my great pleasure to continue advocating for the constituents of Idaho’s First District in such a crucial committee for our state,” stated Rep. Fulcher on his appointment. “Idaho’s abundance of natural resources make the Natural Resources Committee an ideal avenue for engaging on issues like the wise stewardship of federal lands and adequate fire suppression practices.”

House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman commented. “From the urban East to the mountainous West, natural resources are more important than ever when it comes to the issues our constituents face every day. Rep. Fulcher brings years of experience in Idaho forestry and other environmental issues to the table, so I’m excited to welcome him back to our committee and get to work fighting these issues head on. Americans are tired of empty promises, and we’re ready to take center stage as we show the world that our Commitment to America will jumpstart our economy, unlock our resources, and hold the Biden administration accountable for their disastrous, job-killing agenda. Let’s get started!"

In addition to resource and federal land management, the House Committee on Natural Resources has jurisdiction over important issues that pertain to Idaho’s First District, including water rights, relations with Native American tribes, and mining.
