Author: Chris Eger,

Republicans on Capitol Hill have introduced a resolution stressing the importance of preserving the right to keep and bear arms after calls to defund police.

The Second Amendment for Everyone (SAFE) Resolution of 2020 was introduced to the U.S. House this week by Idaho Republican Russ Fulcher, backed by 15 co-sponsors drawn from nine states. The move asks local governments who seek to reduce their local law enforcement agencies to do so while ensuring their local gun regulations do not burden their residents.

“I support the right of Americans to own and responsibly use firearms—particularly during a time when the police’s ability to protect our citizens may be lessened, or even removed in some areas,” said Fulcher in a statement. “People have a right to protect themselves, and this should not be impeded by local, state, or county regulations that have enacted costly, lengthy, and burdensome procedures for obtaining legal, constitutionally-granted gun ownership.”

Read the full article here.