Matt Guilhem
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has finished his highly-anticipated report on ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. Having found no evidence of collusion, some of Idaho’s staunch Republican congressmen are weighing in on the special counsel’s conclusions.
In a statement issued on Sunday, Senator Jim Risch says he found nothing new in Robert Mueller’s report. Sitting on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Risch and his fellow committee members have reviewed thousands of documents and numerous witness statements in their own investigation of the matter. He says he reached the same conclusion as Mueller: no collusion.
After giving his backing to the special counsel, Risch strikes a more fiery tone. He blames Democrats and the media for casting aspersions on the president for the last two years. He calls the Mueller probe a charade and distraction from the President’s accomplishments. The brief statement concludes with Risch calling for the nation to move forward together.
675 days and zero proof of collusion. It's time for Congress to get back to work. #MuellersReport #Barr
In addition to the longtime senator weighing in, Idaho’s newest congressman, Russ Fulcher, posted a tweet about the Mueller probe. The conservative lawmaker echoed the refrain of “no collusion” and said it’s time for Congress to get back to work.