WASHINGTON-- After being sworn in earlier this month, Congressman Fulcher has prioritized his commitment to protect the unborn and taken many legislative initiatives to do so at the federal level.
A Special Visitor
Paolina Hsue and her mother visited Rep. Fulcher's office this week to deliver a thank you letter for Rep. Fulcher's support of pro-life health clinics. Paolina is alive due to the work of a pro-life clinic (Stanton Healthcare), which Rep. Fulcher assisted in locating next to a Planned Parenthood in Boise. Photo and video clip attached.
Paolina's letter reads:
"Dear Kinded Congressman Fulcher: Thank you for supporting Stanton Healthcare! I am glad that you help places like Stanton, because women like my mom need love and care. My mom was struggling and was scared but she loved me so much that she reached out for help. Now I have a forever extended family with all the people at Stanton. I love to draw all the time it's a good way to express emotions. I also enjoy learning how to speak Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese with my mom. I love to pitch for my fast pitch team and also play right field. I love my violin and think it's such a beautiful instrument to play. I couldn't enjoy such a perfect life without my mom, everyone who has helped us, and people like you! Thank you for supporting life! You have given me and lots of other kids the chance to love life!"
Floor Speech
On January 17th, Rep. Fulcher gave his first speech on the House floor highlighting the need to protect the unborn.
"I'm often asked why I came to congress and I've asked myself that very same question. It's certainly not for the money and it's not for the notoriety or the scrutiny that comes with that. Ultimately for me, it comes down to the honorable purpose of supporting the divinely inspired principles behind our founding. Being a voice for those unavailable or unable to speak. There's none more vulnerable or unable to speak than the unborn. And there is no more noble cause than protecting or promoting life. Madam Speaker, I stand today during this week honoring the sanctity of life to ask every member of this body to use any and all influence to return to our nation's legal environment to one that promotes life, and to return to a cultural environment that promotes life as well. Our unborn would ask the same, if they could."
View the full speech here.
Letter Sent to Health and Human Services Secretary Azar
Rep. Russ Fulcher joined 102 of his pro-life colleagues in the House to send a letter expressing strong support for a proposed rule to address a hidden abortion surcharge in many federal and state plans on the ACA exchange. The full letter is attached.
Co-Sponsor of Legislation
Rep. Russ Fulcher co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act to declare that life begins at the moment of conception, therefore entitling the unborn to legal protection. The full bill text is here.
"Although I serve in the minority, it is as important as ever to stand up for the unborn and their right to a fulfilling life. Today President Trump and Vice President Pence spoke on their unwavering support for pro-life policies, and it is a great relief to know that any attempts by the Majority to extend abortion laws further will be halted by our executive branch." commented Rep. Fulcher.